Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Baskets – Volunteers will assist in the collection, purchase and delivery of food to homes of individuals. They may assist the priest or go on their own at various times.
- Contact: Fr. Stephen Vernak
Orthodox Christian Charities of Greater Harrisburg (OCCGH) - This Pan-Orthodox ministry is sponsored by the four Orthodox parishes in the Harrisburg area. It provides outreach and service to local charitable organizations in the Harrisburg area, such as Bethesda Mission.
- Contact:
VIP (Very Important People) – Volunteers will maintain a list of all parishioners who are hospitalized or are recovering at home, as well as aged and infirm who cannot come to church or parish functions. On a regular basis, they will send cards, write, and also visit these people.
- Contact: Cathi Kemp
NOTE: It should also be noted that the parish, through its annual operating budget, makes significant monetary donations for charitable works, using funds generated by our Special Projects Ministry. These include charitable donations to seminaries, churches, local charities and national appeals. Donations are made for international appeals through International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC).