Diocesan Hiearach
His Eminence, the Most Reverend Mark
Archbishop of Philadelphia and Eastern PA
Parish Clergy
V. Rev. Stephen Vernak (email) - Pastor
(pictured with M. Anna and their children)
Rt. Rev. Daniel Kovalak - Attached
Dn. John Shingara - Attached
Choir Director
Rdr. James Kushlan (interim)
Members of the Parish Council of Christ the Saviour Church are elected at the Annual Parish Meeting.
Parish Council President - Dr. David Pawlush (email)
Vice President - Victor Bucharew
Recording Secretary - Samantha Lopez
Financial Secretary - Eleanor Herman
Treasurer - John Dotsey (email)
Vestrypersons - Jay Africa, James Henry, Keith Leader, Michael Mallick, Mark Rodak, M. Sharon Shingara, Christina Yerke
Auditors - Rdr. Leo (Fred) Leer and Adam Priestley
5501 Old Locust Lane
Harrisburg, PA 17109