2019 Parish Photos (Updated 11/17/2019)

Guest Homilist and Eritrean/Ethiopian Fellowship - 11/10/2019

On Sunday, November 10th our parish family of Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church (Harrisburg) welcomed guest homilist Dr. Albert Rossi from St. Vladimir Seminary. On Saturday he led a Pan-Orthodox Teen Retreat, and stayed with us for the weekend. His inspiring homily encouraged us to draw closer to Christ and to each other through stillness and the ascetic practices of our Holy Church. 

Following Divine Liturgy our community enjoyed its Annual Eritrean/Ethiopian Fellowship. We were blessed to share in the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of two of the many cultures that constitute our ethnically diverse parish family.  A special thanks to those who prepared and served the meal, as well as those that prepared the special coffee and tea that was enjoyed by all - thank you!

"Thank you" in Amharic (Ethiopian)

አመሰግናለሁ - Ameseg-inalehugn!

 "Thank you" in Tigrinya (Eritrean)

የቐንየለይ! - Yeken-yeley!


NOTE: this event is held annually, the Sunday before the beginning of the Nativity Fast.

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Pan-Orthodox Teen Retreat - 11/09/2019

On Saturday, Nov 9th the community of Christ the Saviour hosted a Pan-Orthodox Teen Retreat with Dr. Al Rossi from St. Vladimir Seminary. The retreat was entitled “I will fear no evil: an Orthodox approach fear, anxiety, and depression” Over 30 students from various parishes and jurisdictions shared a full day of learning, sharing, and mutual encouragement.

We are thankful for the loving, warm, and healing presence of Dr. Al, as he shared the love of Jesus Christ, through the timeless wisdom of our Holy Church.

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FOCA Award - 11/03/2019

On Sunday, November 3rd Melissa Zuro was awarded a District Scholarship from the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA). Our parish chapter President, John Dotsey, made the presentation. 

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Youth Group Project - 10/27/2019

On Sunday, October 27th the youth group of Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church gathered for their monthly meeting. Lydia Mantle led the students in preparing icons as part of her "investing the talents given you" challenge that was given by Bill Marianes when he visited our parish. Students will making the icons available for a free-will offering, and they in turn will take up the responsibility of investing those funds for the glory of God, and the building up of His Holy Church.

Our youth group meets the last Sunday of every month from 5-7pm. If you'd like to learn more, please see Cathy Bucharew or Fr. Stephen.

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Konevets Quartet - 10/13/2019

On Sunday, October 13th the community of Christ the Saviour (Harrisburg, PA) hosted the renowned Konevets Quartet from St. Petersburg, Russia. They sang the responses at the Divine Liturgy and gave a short concert of folk music at our parish fellowship hall following. Our faithful and guests were edified by the heavenly Liturgy, and entertained at the concert. Most importantly our souls were opened to the "beautiful" - which is a pathway to experiencing the richness and beauty God! We look forward to welcoming them back again next year!

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New Catechumen and Churching - 09/29/2019

On Sunday, September 29th the community of Christ the Saviour welcomed Timothy Marasco into the Catechumenate of the Orthodox Church, and celebrated the churching and first Holy Communion of the child of God Ethan, who was Baptized and Chrismated the day before. May God grant them many blessed years!

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Fr Barnabas Powell - 10/09/2019

On Wednesday, October 9th the community of Christ the Saviour hosted Fr. Barnabas Powell for an evening lecture. He shared the three great obstacles (passions) that prevent us from living a life of wholeness in Christ, and the three-fold remedy which our Holy Church provides for our health. A special thanks to the Diocese of Philadelphia and Eastern PA (OCA) for co-sponsoring the tour with the other venues in our Diocese. Glory to God for all things!


To view a video of the presentation click this link:


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Dormition - 08/15/2019

The community of Christ the Saviour (Harrisburg) celebrated the feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God. On the eve we participated in the burial rite and sang lamentations at the tomb of the Theotokos, "who is constant in prayer, and our firm hope in her intercessions".

Troparion — Tone 1 In giving birth thou didst preserve thy virginity. In falling asleep thou didst not forsake the world, O Theotokos. Thou wast translated to life, O Mother of Life, and by thy prayers, thou dost deliver our souls from death.


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Backpacks - 08/11/2019

On Sunday, August 11th the community of Christ the Saviour offered a special blessing over backpacks that our faithful filled with school supplies for needy children in our school district. They were delivered this past week, glory to God!

This initiative is spear-headed by FOCUS North America, "a national movement of Orthodox Christians, united in faith and joined by a desire to provide action-oriented and sustainable solutions to poverty in communities across America"


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Vehicle Blessing - 07/21/2019

On Sunday July 21st, the community of Christ the Saviour celebrated our annual vehicle blessing in honor of the feast of the great Prophet Elijah (July 20th).

"O Lord our God, Who dost ride upon the Cherubim; Who walks on the wings of the wind; Who didst send Thy servant the Prophet Elijah a chariot of fire, and Who with Thine All-Holy Spirit has inspired and guided the human mind to invent various and expedient means of transportation and travel: We give Thee thanks, O Master, for Thou has provided us, Thy servants, with these vehicles to serve our different needs." (Excerpt from the Prayer of Blessing of Vehicles)

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Gabriel Priestly - 07/14/2019

On Sunday, July 14th the community of Christ the Saviour celebrated the churching and first Communion of Gabriel Priestley (who was Baptized on Saturday). May God grant him many blessed years!

We also celebrated the marriage anniversary of Andrew Katerman and Sophia Kellachow, welcomed Fr. John Parker (Dean of St. Tikhon Seminary), and at fellowship were treated to a presentation by Vladimer Kellachow on his recent OCF Pilgrimage to Mt. Athos and Thessaloniki.

Glory to God for all things!

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OCCGH Golf Outing - 07/13/2019

On July 13, 2019, the Orthodox Christian Charities of Greater Harrisburg (OCCGH) held its third annual four-person scramble golf tournament at Eagles Crossing Golf Course in Carlisle, PA. The event was a huge success with 75 golfers participating, 29 corporate sponsors and a number of individual sponsors and donors as well. 

The golf outing raised over $6000 for OCCGH, a record amount. Prizes were given out to the 1st, 2nd and 10th place teams, and there were men’s and women’s longest drive and closest to the pin contests as well. Golfers also enjoyed playing the 50/50 “hit the green” raffle on a Par 3 hole and several other raffles that took place at the outing. In addition, every golfer received a door prize valued between $10 and $100 for their participation in the event. 

Prior to the start of play, breakfast pastries and coffee were provided by OCCGH, and the day ended with a delicious sirloin steak buffet with ice cream with toppings and brownies for dessert. 

Please look for details on the OCCGH website at occgh.org for information about next year’s tournament and plan to be there.

On July 13, 2019, the Orthodox Christian Charities of Greater Harrisburg (OCCGH) held its third annual four-person scramble golf tournament at Eagles Crossing Golf Course in Carlisle, PA. The event was a huge success with 75 golfers participating, 29 corporate sponsors and a number of individual sponsors and donors as well. 

The golf outing raised over $6000 for OCCGH, a record amount. Prizes were given out to the 1st, 2nd and 10th place teams, and there were men’s and women’s longest drive and closest to the pin contests as well. Golfers also enjoyed playing the 50/50 “hit the green” raffle on a Par 3 hole and several other raffles that took place at the outing. In addition, every golfer received a door prize valued between $10 and $100 for their participation in the event. 

Prior to the start of play, breakfast pastries and coffee were provided by OCCGH, and the day ended with a delicious sirloin steak buffet with ice cream with toppings and brownies for dessert. 

Please look for details on the OCCGH website at occgh.org for information about next year’s tournament and plan to be there.

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Welcome Logan Yoder - 07/07/2019

On Sunday, July 7th the community of Christ the Saviour welcomed Logan Yoder into the Catechumenate. May God grant him growth in "faith, hope, and spiritual understanding" and in due time unite him to His Holy Church!

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Pentecost - 06/16/2019

On Sunday, June 16th the faithful of Christ the Saviour celebrated the great and holy feast of Pentecost. At the Liturgy we welcomed new Catechumens. May the Holy Spirit “lead them into all Truth” and unite them in due time into the fullness of Christ’s Holy Church!

Following the Divine Liturgy and Kneeling Vespers of Pentecost we enjoyed our Annual International Day. We were treated to the cuisine and aesthetic that comprise to our culturally diverse community - united in the Trinity, citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven! A special thanks to coordinator Angie DiFlorio and all of our parishioners who offered food this year!

Troparion of the Feast: Blessed art Thou, O Christ our God; Who hast revealed the fishermen as most wise by sending down upon them the Holy Spirit. Through them Thou didst draw the world into Thy net - O Lover of man, glory to Thee!

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Fr Moses - 06/02/2019

On Sunday, June 2nd the community of Christ the Saviour welcomed the Locke's (Fr. Moses & M. Christie, and their boys Elias, Seraphim, and Symeon) our "adopted seminarian family" for the Divine Liturgy. Fr. Moses (who was our celebrant and homilist at the Liturgy) graduated from St. Tikhons over Memorial Day weekend, and will begin his parish assignment at Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church in Southbury, CT at the end of June. May God grant them many blessed years as they begin their ministry in His vineyard! During the Liturgy, the newly Illumined child of God Ella Irene Zuro (who was Baptized on Saturday) was Churched, and received Holy Communion, uniting her as a full member of Christ's Body! We also recognized our High School and College Graduates, praying that God would continue to bless them, and open their minds and hearts to His Holy will, as they seek further education or enter the work force. Glory to God for His many blessings!

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Thank you Fr Theodore! - 05/19/2019

On Sunday, May 19th the community of Christ the Saviour offered of our love and prayers to Fr. Theodore Jurewicz (and his son John) as he completed the sanctuary iconography at Christ the Saviour after many years of work (beginning in the early 90's), and most recently visiting the parish every year since 2012. Our parish church school also celebrated the end of the year with a party, followed by a special presentation by Zoo America. A special thanks to our Church School director, teachers, and parents for their dedication to our children and the program! Later the same afternoon parishioners gathered at several local cemeteries to proclaim the Resurrection of Christ to our beloved departed family and friends. May their memories be eternal!

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Holy Pascha - 04/28/2019

Christ is Risen! Христос Воскресе!
Χριστός Ανέστη! المسيحقام!

Late Saturday evening (April 27), and “while it was still dark” into Sunday (April 28), our community gathered for the “Feast of feasts, and Holy Day of holy days” - Great and Holy Pascha!

(Ode 1 - Canon of Holy Pascha)
It is the day of Resurrection, let us be illumined O ye people, Pascha, the Pascha of the Lord, from death unto Life and from earth unto Heaven has Christ our God led us singing the song of Victory! Let us purify our senses, and we shall behold Christ, radiant with the light ineffable of the Resurrection, and shall hear Him say in accents clear, rejoice as we sing the song of victory. For meet it is that the Heavens should rejoice, and that the earth should be glad, and the whole world, visible and invisible, should keep the feast, for Christ, the everlasting joy is Risen!

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Holy Friday - 04/26/2019

Vespers of Great and Holy Friday (Burial Service)

In the afternoon on Friday, April 26th our community gathered for the Burial Vespers, in which we participate in the death of the Son of God upon the Cross. The Body of our Lord is tenderly removed from the Cross, and wrapped in a burial shroud, assisted by the children of our community. Later the Plaschenitsa (Holy Shroud depicting the Body of our Lord) is processed and placed in the Tomb in the center of the Church and venerated by the faithful!

Matins of Great and Holy Saturday (Lamentations)

In the evening on Friday, April 26th our community gathered for the Matins and Lamentations, in which we sing songs of love and tenderness to our Lord in the Tomb. This service also marks the transition from the solemnity of Holy Friday and our Lord’s Crucifixion and Death, to the first announcements of His harrowing of Hades (Old Testament prophecy of Ezekiel and the resurrection of the “dry bones”; and the Epistle and Gospel lessons), following our return from our procession around the church.

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Palm Sunday - 04/21/2019

Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord! God is the Lord, and has revealed Himself to us!

On Sunday, April 21st the faithful of Christ the Saviour celebrated the Great Feast of the Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday). May God strengthen us all as we continue on our journey with Christ through His voluntary Passion, Death, and Third Day Resurrection!

(Troparion) By raising Lazarus from the dead before Thy passion, Thou didst confirm the universal resurrection, O Christ God! Like the children with the branches of victory, we cry out to Thee, O Vanquisher of Death: Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord!

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4th Lenten Lecture - 04/09/2019

The Light of Christ Illumines All"

On Tuesday, April 9th our own Fr. Daniel Kovalak presented the fourth and final of our Tuesday Lenten Lectures on the theme of the Holy Scriptures. He focused his talk on the salvific revelation of Christ throughout the Scriptural witness, and how the Tradition (including Liturgy) provides the key to interpreting and safeguarding God's revelation to us!

Please visit our lecture page to listen to a recording:

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Mission Choir - 04/07/2019

On April 7th the St. Tikhon Seminary Mission Choir visited the community of Christ the Saviour and sang the responses at the Divine Liturgy. The singing was prayerful - heavenly! It was a special blessing to have second year seminarian, and our former choir director, Rdr. James Latimer deliver an inspiring homily. 

Asking the Lord's blessing upon the administration, faculty, staff, seminarians, and families of St. Tikhon's - may God grant them many years!

NOTE: From Friday, April 5 - Saturday, April 6 our parish mixed and children's choirs (as well as parish clergy and readers) participated in a workshop led Rdr. Benedict and Maria Sheehan. Several pieces at the Liturgy were sung by a joint choir of Seminarians and our faithful.

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Martha Rakowski - 04/02/2019

On Tuesday, April 2nd our own Martha Rakowski presented the third of four Tuesday Lenten Lectures on the theme of the Holy Scriptures, entitled "The reading is from _"  She focused her talk on the criteria applied by the Holy Fathers to decide which books made it into the New Testament Canon, and gave examples of other writings which were rejected for various reasons!

Please visit our lecture page to listen to a recording of this wonderful talk and others:

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Fr Victor - 03/26/2019

On Tuesday, March 26th we welcomed Fr. Victor Gorodenchuk for the second of four Tuesday Lenten Lectures on the theme of the Scriptures. He focused his talk on Scientific discovery, theories on the formation of the universe, and the ways in which many of these theories and discoveries align with the Biblical text.

Please visit our lecture page to listen to a recording:

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Pan-Orthodox Vespers - 03/24/2019

On Sunday, March 24th the community of Christ the Saviour hosted our local Orthodox parishes for Annunciation Vespers on the Second Sunday of Great and Holy Lent. Fr. Victor Gorodenchuk, Dean of St. Stephen Cathedral (Philadelphia), delivered an inspiring homily on the "Good News" of the incarnation of the Son of God! Following the Vespers our Altar Guild hosted a wonderful reception, assisted by our parish youth group! Glory to God for all things!

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Sunday of Orthodoxy - 03/17/2019

On Sunday, March 17th the clergy and faithful of Christ the Saviour marked the first Sunday of Lent by celebrating the Triumph (Sunday) of Orthodoxy with an icon procession.

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Triumph of Orthodoxy Vespers - 03/16/2019

On Saturday, March 16 the clergy and parishes of the Orthodox Council of Churches of South Central PA (OCCSCP) gathered at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church (York, PA) to celebrate Vespers for the Triumph of Orthodoxy. Our guest homilist was Hieromonk Herman from St. Tikhon's Monastery, who brought the myrrh-streaming icon of St. Anna for the edification of the faithful. The responses were led by Fr. Christopher Rocknage and a choir consisting of members from our local Orthodox parishes. Following the Pan-Orthodox Vespers we were treated to a Lenten meal by the faithful of Annunciation parish.

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Marriage Workshop - 03/02/2019

On Saturday, March 2nd the community of Christ the Saviour welcomed Fr. Alexander Goussetis, Director of the Center for Family Care (GOA), for a marriage workshop entitled “Renewed Day by Day: Enlivening our Marriage Commitment”. Using a variety of media, journaling, and group discussion, participants were given practical tools to steward their marriages. We are thankful for Fr. Alex’s ministry, may God grant him many blessed years! 

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Welcome John Romain - 02/24/2019

On Sunday, February 24th, the community of Christ the Saviour welcomed John Romain into the Catechumenate of the Orthodox Church. We pray that the Lord will bless his time of study, and that in "due time" he will be united to the Holy Church. We also installed our newly elected Parish Council - may God grant them strength and discernment, as they help steward our parish!

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Steven Christoforou Visits CTS - 02/10/2019

On Sunday, February 10th the community of Christ the Saviour welcomed Steven Christoforou, the director of the Greek Archdiocese's Youth and Young Adult ministry (Y2AM). He was the retreat leader at the Annual Diocesan Winter Retreat (BeeTreat) from Friday, Feb 8 - Saturday, Feb 9th hosted by our parish (see the related photo gallery) - and stayed for the Liturgy on Sunday and preached a wonderful homily. Steven is a graduate of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Seminary, and is popular in Orthodox circles for his work on the programs "Be the Bee", "Pop Culture Coffee-hour", and "We are Orthodoxy" to name a few.  Following the Divine Liturgy we gathered for our Annual Parish Meeting in the Fellowship Hall. Glory to God for all things!

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Teen Retreat - 02/08/2019

From Friday, February 8 - Saturday, February 9 the community of Christ the Saviour hosted the annual DOEPA Winter Teen Retreat (BeeTreat).  Nearly 50 students came, from several Dioceses and Jurisdictions. This years retreat was led by Steven Christoforou, the director of Y2AM, best known for his work with the video series "Be the Bee". On Friday evening we also welcomed Shelley Brooks, the director of the Bethesda Mission Women's Shelter, who inspired our teens with her personal story, and how God called her to minister to homeless women and their children. Following her presentation the students prepared a meal that was served at the shelter the following day. Following morning prayers on Saturday, Steve took our students through deep and inspiring sessions on prayer, silence, active listening, and service to others. The sessions were filled with practical tools to engage Christ, ourselves, and our neighbors through the wisdom of the Church. We are thankful for the ministries of Shelley and Steve, to the members of our parish and the St. Tikhon Summer Camp program who came to help organize the event, prepare the meals, and serve as chaperones. Glory to God!

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Susquehanna River Blessing - 01/27/2019

On Sunday, January 27th the Orthodox parishes of Greater Harrisburg gathered at City Island Park for the 11th Annual Pan-Orthodox Great Blessing of the Susquehanna. Among those present were clergy and faithful from the following communities:

  • Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church (OCA) in Harrisburg
  • Holy Apostles Orthodox Mission (OCA) in Mechanicsburg
  • Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral (GOA) in Camp Hill
  • St. Nicholas Orthodox Church (SER) in Oberlin

Following the River Blessing, the clergy and faithful gathered at Holy Trinity Cathedral for a delicious luncheon and wonderful fellowship. Glory to God for all things!

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Theophany - 01/06/2019

On Sunday, January 6th the community of Christ the Saviour celebrated the Divine Liturgy of Theophany and the Great Blessing of Water. Glory to God for His glorious Appearance, and His rich gifts!


(Kontakion) Today Thou hast shown forth to the world, O Lord, and the light of Thy countenance has been marked on us. Knowing Thee, we sing Thy praises. Thou hast come and revealed Thyself, O unapproachable Light.

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